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Complete MediaMTX Streaming Server Deployment Guide: From Basics to Production

4 min read
Cover image for Complete MediaMTX Streaming Server Deployment Guide: From Basics to Production


In today’s digital age, streaming services have become essential for various applications. Whether it’s live video streaming, security surveillance, or remote education, a stable and efficient streaming server is crucial. MediaMTX (formerly rtsp-simple-server) is a powerful open-source streaming server that offers multi-protocol support and flexible deployment options.

This guide will walk you through deploying and using MediaMTX to quickly set up a professional-grade streaming system.

MediaMTX Architecture

💡 If you need a multi-protocol streaming server, MediaMTX is an ideal choice.

Why Choose MediaMTX?

Among various streaming server solutions, MediaMTX stands out with these advantages:

  • 🚀 Zero-dependency deployment, single binary
  • 💾 Multiple streaming protocol support
  • 🔄 Automatic protocol conversion
  • 🛠️ Recording and playback support
  • 🔒 Built-in authentication
  • 📊 Prometheus monitoring support
  • 🌐 Cross-platform support (Linux/Windows/macOS)

Core Features

MediaMTX offers a rich set of features:

Publishing Protocols

  • ✨ SRT (supports H.265/H.264 codecs)
  • 🌐 WebRTC (with WHIP support)
  • 🔄 RTMP (with RTMPS)
  • 📺 HLS (with Low-Latency HLS)

Playback Protocols

  • 🎥 SRT
  • 🖥️ WebRTC (with WHEP support)
  • 📱 RTSP
  • 💻 RTMP
  • 🌍 HLS

System Requirements

Before deployment, ensure your system meets these requirements:

CPUDual CoreQuad Core+

Basic Installation

1. Docker Deployment

Create a docker-compose.yml file:

   version: '3'
    image: bluenviron/mediamtx:latest
    container_name: mediamtx
    network_mode: host  # Recommended
      - ./mediamtx.yml:/mediamtx.yml
    restart: unless-stopped

2. Start the Service

   docker-compose up -d

3. Verify Installation

Access http://localhost:9997/v3/paths/list to check if the API responds correctly.

Core Configuration

Basic Configuration Example

Create mediamtx.yml:

   # API Configuration
api: yes
apiAddress: :9997

# RTSP Configuration
rtspAddress: :8554
protocols: [tcp, udp]
rtspsAddress: :8322

# RTMP Configuration
rtmpAddress: :1935
rtmpsAddress: :1936

# HLS Configuration
hlsAddress: :8888
hlsAlwaysRemux: yes
hlsSegmentCount: 3
hlsSegmentDuration: 1s


Enable user-based authentication:

  - user: admin
    pass: admin123
    - action: publish
    - action: read

Recording Function

Configure stream recording:

  record: yes
  recordPath: ./recordings/%path/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f
  ## Can be mp4 or mpegts (ts fragments)
  recordFormat: fmp4

Practical Configuration

1. CCTV Access

    source: rtsp://admin:[email protected]/stream1
    sourceOnDemand: yes

2. Push Streaming

    runOnInit: ffmpeg -re -i source.mp4 -c copy -f rtsp rtsp://localhost:$RTSP_PORT/$MTX_PATH
    runOnInitRestart: yes

3. Protocol Conversion

    source: rtsp://original-source
    # Automatically converted to other protocols (RTMP/HLS/WebRTC)

Push/Pull Streaming Examples

SRT Protocol Push/Pull

SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) is an open-source video transmission protocol suitable for transmitting low-latency video streams over unstable networks.

Basic Format

   # SRT URL format

Push Streaming Example

   # Push video file using FFmpeg
ffmpeg -re -i input.mp4 -c:v h264 -c:a aac -f mpegts \

# Push streaming with authentication
ffmpeg -re -i input.mp4 -c:v h264 -c:a aac -f mpegts \

Pull Streaming Example

   # Play using FFplay
ffplay "srt://localhost:8890?streamid=read:s1001&pkt_size=1316"

# Pull streaming and transcode using FFmpeg
ffmpeg -i "srt://localhost:8890?streamid=read:s1001&pkt_size=1316" \
-c:v h264 -c:a aac output.mp4

RTSP Protocol Push/Pull

RTSP is one of the most commonly used streaming protocols, especially suitable for security monitoring scenarios.

Push Streaming Example

   # Loop push video file
ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a aac \
-f rtsp rtsp://localhost:8554/live

# Push camera screen
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 -c:v h264 -f rtsp \

Pull Streaming Example

   # Play using FFplay
ffplay rtsp://localhost:8554/live

# Play using VLC
vlc rtsp://localhost:8554/live

WebRTC Push/Pull

WebRTC supports low-latency video transmission through browsers.

OBS Push Streaming Configuration

  1. Open OBS Studio latest version
  2. Add new streaming server
  3. Select WHIP protocol
  4. Server URL: http://your-ip:8889/streamkey/whip

OBS WebRTC Configuration

Browser Push Streaming

  1. Access http://your-ip:8889/streamkey/publish
  2. Allow browser to use camera and microphone
  3. 点击”Start Publishing”开始推流

Browser Push Streaming

Pull Streaming

  1. OBS Pull Streaming
    • RTSP protocol: rtsp://your-ip:8554/streamkey
  2. Browser Pull Streaming
    • WebRTC: http://your-ip:8889/streamkey
    • HLS: http://your-ip:8888/streamkey

RTMP Push/Pull

RTMP is still one of the most commonly used protocols for live streaming.

Push Streaming Example

   # Push streaming using FFmpeg
ffmpeg -re -i input.mp4 -c:v h264 -c:a aac -f flv \

# OBS Push Streaming Configuration
Server: rtmp://localhost:1935/live
Stream key: stream1

Pull Streaming Example

   # Pull streaming using FFmpeg
ffplay rtmp://localhost:1935/live/stream1

# Play using VLC
vlc rtmp://localhost:1935/live/stream1

Multi-protocol Conversion Example

MediaMTX supports automatic protocol conversion, configuration example:

    # Support access to the same stream through all protocols
    source: rtsp://camera-source/streamkey
    # Accessible via the following methods:
    # RTSP: rtsp://localhost:8554/streamkey
    # RTMP: rtmp://localhost:1935/streamkey
    # HLS:  http://localhost:8888/streamkey
    # WebRTC: http://localhost:8889/streamkey

💡 Tip: When actually used, please replace localhost with your server IP address.

Performance Optimization

1. System Parameter Optimization

   # Improve concurrency performance
readBufferSize: 4096
writeQueueSize: 4096
udpMaxPayloadSize: 1472

2. Network Optimization

   # Enable TCP mode to improve stability
protocols: [tcp]

# WebRTC Optimization
  - url:

Monitoring and Maintenance

1. Prometheus Monitoring

Enable metrics interface:

   metrics: yes
metricsAddress: :9998

2. Log Configuration

   logLevel: info
logDestinations: [stdout]

Common Issues and Solutions

1. Stream not playing

  • Check network connection
  • Confirm protocol support
  • Verify authentication information
  • Check service logs

2. Performance Issues

  • Adjust buffer size
  • Use TCP protocol
  • Optimize network configuration
  • Monitor system resources

Best Practices

  1. Deploy Docker using host network mode
  2. Enable TLS encryption to protect stream security
  3. Configure appropriate buffer size
  4. Implement access control
  5. Regularly backup recording files


MediaMTX provides a comprehensive, easy-to-deploy streaming server solution. With this configuration guide, you can quickly set up a professional-grade streaming system supporting multiple protocols, meeting the needs of live streaming, monitoring, and other applications.



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